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Information about which languages survey respondents speak at home and their relative proficiency in English.


The ACS asks respondents if they speak a language other than English at home, then asks those who do to specify which language. These respondents are also asked to self-report how well they speak English, so these terms are up to individual interpretation:

  • Very well
  • Well
  • Not well
  • Not at all

Except for tables B16001 and C16001, which are quite detailed, languages are broadly categorized into:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Other Indo-European languages
  • Asian and Pacific Island languages
  • Other languages

This information is used to support language assistance, such as providing translations of documents or interpreters for services.

Code Title
B16001 Language Spoken at Home by Ability to Speak English
B16002 Detailed Household Language by Household Limited English Speaking Status
B16003 Age by Language Spoken at Home in Limited English Speaking Households
B16004 Age by Language Spoken at Home by Ability to Speak English
B16005‡† Nativity by Language Spoken at Home by Ability to Speak English
B16006 Language Spoken at Home by Ability to Speak English (Hispanic or Latino)
B16007 Age by Language Spoken at Home
B16008 Citizenship Status by Age by Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English
B16009 Poverty Status by Age by Language Spoken at Home
B16010 Educational Attainment and Employment Status by Language Spoken at Home
Table also available in "collapsed" version: change "B" to "C" for table code.
Also available in racial iterations.

Other ACS Tables Referencing Language

Code Title
B06007ठPlace of Birth by Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English in the United States
B08113 Means of Transportation to Work by Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English
B08513 Means of Transportation to Work by Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English
B10054 Language and Ability to Speak English of Grandparents Living With Own Grandchildren by Responsibility for Own Grandchildren and Age of Grandparent
B26113 Group Quarters Type (3 Types) by Language Spoken at Home by Ability to Speak English
B26213 Group Quarters Type (5 Types) by Language Spoken at Home by Ability to Speak English
Table also available in "collapsed" version: change "B" to "C" for table code.
§Tabulated for Puerto Rico. Add 'PR' to the table code. Column names may vary slightly from non-PR version.